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Using Facebook Ads to Grow Your Facebook Page Fans

One of the easiest ways to increase your Facebook likes is through the use of Facebook Ads, 

which allow you to target specific demographics, which means it will allow you to bring the traffic 

you desire to your page. 

Do not confuse Facebook Ads with Google Ads, because they are not the same. Google Ads 

will show up when a person actively searches your keyword(s). They will usually want to know 

what you are offering at that time, which elicits a click that is relevant to their search. 

Facebook Ads don’t work that way. A Facebook Ad shows up when a person is browsing their 

News Feed so they likely don’t have any intent to purchase from you at that time. That means 

you must offer incentives to drive clicks on the Facebook Ad using one of the three methods –

coupons, contests, or ebooks. 

These Facebooks ads let you target those who haven’t already likes your page. You can even 

include a like button right on your ad. You can use the basic format ‘“Like” us to (insert what 

they’ll receive)’. You can drive Likes based on the incentive. Here are a few you can use:

* Like us and get your Free Guide to Growing Your Facebook Business

* Like us to get an Exclusive 20% Off coupon

* Like us to win a $200 Marketing Consultation 

* Like us and enter to win a trip to Vegas – draw every 3 months

Facebook Ads are also much more affordable than Google Ads. That means even if you have a 

very low budget you can take advantage of Facebook Ads. If you want to know more about 

using Facebook Ads and how to setup your Facebook Ad campaign, Facebook has an in-depth 

section on how to set up your campaign, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble.

Your goal with your Facebook Page is to grow your Likes and your fan base. To do that you 

need to take advantage of the many tools that can help you to create a powerful Facebook Ad.

Facebook ads are still one of the most misunderstood opportunities to grow your Facebook 

Page and increase your targeted traffic and your likes. The rest is up to you. With the use of 

strong posts that engaging your followers you can increase your reach further and continue to 

grow your Page. 

Tips to Create Facebook Posts That Are Engaging

If you want to grow your fan base and increase your likes, you are going to need to have posts 

to your page that are interesting and keep your visitors wanting to return. Here are 5 tips to 

create Facebook posts that are engaging.

#1 Use Copy, Images and Videos That Are Engaging

* Photos and videos that are media rich will get attention and they will help your message be 

more noticeable on a News feed. 


* Lifestyle and inspirational images are always engaging. Smart Page owners are quick to take 

advantage of these images, because they understand they do not have to be relevant to the 

product/service you offer to be relevant to your fans. These fans will then share these posts with 

their friends and that provides you with more reach and another opportunity to grow your ‘Likes.’

* Share images/photos of your products with your customers enjoying them.

* The best posts are between 100 and 250 characters – short and to the point gets the most 


#2 Share and Promote Discounts and Promotions That are Exclusive

* Offer your visitors a really good perk or deal to keep them interested. You can increase your 

sales and increase your followers with this technique.

* Buy 1 get 1 free seems to be a very popular promotion and so is when you are giving things 

away for free.

* To increase your visitors’ engagement, make sure that you have a clear call to action. 

#3 Suitability and Timeliness

* When your posts are related to what they are thinking about at the time, such as holidays or a 

current sporting event, your audience is much more likely to engage

* Timeliness in replying to any posts that have a comment on them is also important. The faster 

you are to replying to your fans the more likely that they will continue to engage you. 

#4 Drive Traffic to Your Website With Links

Link posts have an area that’s larger now and it helps people to find your website, thereby 

increasing your traffic.

Use link posts to drive people to your website

Link posts now have a larger, clickable area that helps drive people to your website. Take the 

title, image and description, which comes from the URL, and customize it. 

Put these 4 tips into play and watch your fans grow.

Grow Your Facebook Page Fans

Your fans are the core to your Facebook Page being successful. But building those fans and 

‘Likes’ can be quite a challenge. Let’s look at 5 tricks to grow your Facebook Page Fans. 

Trick #1 Use Social Media

The use of social media channels like LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter are a great way to 

encourage people to visit your Facebook page. These are free marketing tools that you should 

take advantage of. In addition to direct posts, make sure that you occasionally cross post from 

one to the other. Twitter only allows 140 characters so make good use of them. 

Trick #2 Take Advantage of Public Events

Often overlooked, yet a powerful tool that can be a great way to spread the word. If you are 

doing public speaking be sure you include your Facebook Page URL on the slide show as it 

makes it easy for people to connect. If you attend network meetings this is a great time to 

encourage members to ‘Like’ your Facebook Page and become fans. 

Trick #3 Fan Page Fridays


On Facebook, there are Pages that host Fan Page Friday events. If you are participating, you 

will be encouraged to stop by the page on a specific date to introduce your business to 

everyone that’s participating and then tag their page in the post. The idea is that you will work 

through all the comments and ‘Like’ each of the participating pages who will in turn ‘Like’ your 

page. A word of caution. Only participate in local events, because if you land up with tons of 

international fans, it could actually lower your EdgeRank score. In addition, if others hide your 

news feed posts because they only wanted the ‘Like’ from you and aren’t interested in your 

business, could hurt you.

Trick #4 Encourage Check Ins on Your Facebook Page

For anyone who has a brick and mortar business, you should enable check ins on your 

Facebook page, and then remind customers to check in when they are in your premises. You 

can even include an incentive like offering a discount. 

Trick #5 Make Use of Signage

When customers visit your brick and mortar business, you can create signage for in your store 

that allows customers to ‘Like” your page using a text message. Your signage would look 

something like this. “Text Like (insert Facebook Page name) to 34587. Test this on your cell 

phone first before you commit your budget to this. You can also develop signage that includes 

your social media icons.

These 5 tricks work great to grow your Facebook Page fans.

Grow Your Facebook Likes With These 5 Tips

Facebook is a place where conversations take place. On your Facebook Page do you chat with 

your fans or do you talk at them? The number of fans you have is a pretty good reference to 

how you deal with your fans. The more you chat with your fans the higher your number of fans 

will be. Make the most of your social space by understanding it and you will see your Facebook 

Page ‘Likes’ continue to grow. Here are 5 tips to help you grow your Facebook Likes. 

1. Talk Back to Your Fans – You post a comment, then a fan comments on the post, and you 

need to reply to that comment. Ideally, what you want to achieve is conversation that goes back 

and forth between you and your fan(s). The more fans that participate the better. By allowing 

your fans to feel a conversation is taking place they are more likely to participate. If you post 

and a fan comments and you don’t reply the conversation dies off and the reach dies with it.

2. Make Sure There are plenty of Photos and Videos Posted – People prefer photos over texts. 

Make your Facebook Page visually appealing using graphics, photos and videos. This will draw

the interest of your fans and they are much more likely to share photos, graphics and videos 

than text, which in turn extends your reach. 

3. Choose the Best Timeline Photo – The latest Facebook format – the Timeline page is either 

hated or loved. It requires that you post a prominent horizontal image along with a smaller 

detailed shot that is inset. This is a good place for your logo. Make sure your photos are friendly 

and cheerful. It’s great if they interact or connect with your fans. 

4. Take Advantage of the Social Tabs – It’s a good idea to cross promote any other social 

media pages you have. You can add tabs for Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. 

5. Post Regularly – Your Facebook posts are time and date stamped. Your posts are grouped 

monthly so your fans can easily scroll down your page and they can also see how often you 


post every month. So if you only post 7 times over the weekend and then not again until the 

next weekend your fans are going to lose interest and new potential fans aren’t going to be too 

excited about liking your page. It is very important that you post regularly to generate interest.

Top Secret Tips to Help You Run a Successful Fan Page

There are Facebook pages and there are “Facebook Pages.” Some pages are just there. They 

exist, they are boring and they do nothing to draw in their audience. Other pages have the ‘wow’ 

factor. They are attractive, they offer great value and the audience is drawn in. Which type of 

Facebook Page do you have? Here are some top-secret tips to help you run a successful fan 

page that not only brings people to your page, but helps you grow your fans and likes. 

Start With an Incredible Cover Photo

The image at the top of your page can draw you in. It can capture your imagination and take you 

to some place beautiful. Make sure that you understand the importance of your cover photo and 

that you choose one that will work for you. There are tons of online resources to help you with 


Create a Profile Image That’s Unique

When it comes to profile pictures, we tend to stick a picture of ourselves up there and that’s that. 

But there is so much value in using a unique profile image that your audience will remember or 

associate with. Start with defining what your business about. Then try to create an image that is 

memorable and creates strong branding. Hire a visual artist if you need to. It’s worth it!

Make Use of the Facebook Page Apps

Facebook offers you some great apps, so make sure to explore them and make use of it. Add 

any that are appropriate. Don’t be afraid to make use of several. It will help to increase your 

viewers along with your likes.

Post Regular and Engaging Posts

Creating a post now and then isn’t good enough. You need to have regular posts every day so 

that you show up in the news feeds and so that your fans look forward to your posts and are 

ready to read and share those posts. In addition, you need to make sure you have engaging 

posts so that they encourage your fans to comment and participate in a discussion. This will 

help to increase your reach.

Strong Call to Action

It is very important that your Facebook page has a strong call to action, because without it your 

visitors won’t know what they are supposed to do. Ask friends to click the ‘LIKE’ button in a clear 

and concise way that leaves no room for mistakes.

The Key to Building a Fan Base on Facebook Pages That’s Engaged

Growing your fan base is an important part of your Facebook Page but what’s just as important 

is having fans that will engage on your page. This means that you will have fans that will like 

your page, comment on posts and share posts because they want to, not because they are 


being enticed to via a prize such as a free giveaway or coupon. It call comes back to providing 

good content.

What is Good Content?

Good content will play on life, living situations and interests of your target market. It can be 

related to day-to-day life and should provoke a personal response immediately. It relates to all 

kinds of content, asks for the opinion of users, and tells interesting stories. What it does is 

create a town square attitude where users gather to socialize and find something interesting to 

engage with like minded people. 

If you are still unsure of how to create strong content, then have a look at some of the Facebook 

pages created and managed by large companies such as Proctor & Gamble. 

You can create this kind of content by defining your target market and then determining what 

relevant topics are for that market. Then create themed content that you can schedule so that 

you have constant posts going out to your users. You can use some of Facebook’s options, 

such as Facebook ads to target your audience and expand your reach through your posts. 

To make sure you are on target and getting the ‘reach’ you are after, you should use Facebook 

Page Analytics to analyze your posts. This can provide you with sound information that will 

allow you to be able to make good decisions related to your posts and future posts that you 

might make.

There are many ways you can build your fan base that won’t actually help your business 

prosper, so keep this in mind. However, by taking the time to bring targeted traffic to your 

Facebook Page and growing a relevant fan base you can enjoy the full benefits of the work you 

put into this. 

Long term your goal is to continue to grow your fans through ‘Likes’ and for them to love what 

you offer so much that they tell their friends who in turn tell their friends and that reach can 

continue to expand and grow, offering you a very powerful marketing opportunity. 

Fans and Likes

Growing your Facebook fans and likes can be a challenge. In fact, it might seem like a bit of a 

daunting task for some. Good news it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let’s look at two of the 

best ways to grow your fans and likes.

Method #1 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Contests

This is one of the easiest methods to excite people about your page and to draw new fans to 

your page. The lure of winning the big prize means your target market is going to show up, ‘click 

Like,’ and become a fan on your page. 

How to Get People Who Want to Enter Your Contest to Like Your Page and Become a Fan

There are a number of 3rd party contest apps that you can choose from, such as Wishpond 

have a very useful feature, which is called Like Gate, designed to hide the contest entry page 

until after Liking the Facebook Page. 


Like Gate is an image that has text that tells the visitor that they have to Like the page before 

they can access the amazing contest. Once they Like it the app automatically loads the default 

entry for the contest or the voting page where the user enters your contest. 

Method #2 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Like Gated Coupons

Coupons are an excellent promotion that’s well received. Even a coupon for as little as 10 

percent off gives visitors incentive to purchase your product while you get to keep your margins 

fairly unscathed. The best way to use coupons is for you to have them carry out some action so 

that they can access the coupon but it shouldn’t be difficult or consuming. 

There are a number of Coupon Apps that make it easy to create a Facebook Like Gate coupon, 

with the coupon codes built in. A decent Coupon App makes it easier for you to design your 

own coupons right on Facebook. When the coupon is right on, Facebook it is also easier to 

share it.

Don’t forget to include your call to action with all of your Facebook Page marketing to ensure 

you grow your fans and likes the way you want to. It’s the most common mistake that Page 

owners make and what then happens is you do all the hard work and don’t get the results you 


4 Techniques to Increase Your Facebook Likes

When it comes to implementing social media strategies, Facebook is a great place to start as it 

is the network that has the most users. However, if you thought that posting to Facebook now 

and then is enough, you’d be wrong. Using that strategy is going to have you flat lining rather 

than growing. Let’s look at 4 techniques to Increase your Facebook Likes and grow your fans.

#1. Tag Yourself in Your Photos

This technique is so easy to use that you’ll wonder why you didn’t use it sooner. From now on 

every single photo that you put up on your Facebook Page make sure that you tag yourself in 

every single photo. This is smart because if your content is good and its shareable then it will 

appear on the news feeds of others. When one of your fan’s shares it, then it’s going to be 

linked in the ‘shared section’ in addition to the image your fan shared. 

#2 Create Content That’s Shareable

Good content is great, but great content is greater. It is very important to have content that is 

shareable. This means your content is so good that your audience doesn’t just want to like it, 

they want to share it with their own friends. The content that your fans share is really part of 

their online identity. It tells others what they like and who they are. In this case it also shows 

support for you. When content is shareable, it increases your like because it exposes your name 

to more people, putting your brand out there in front of those that are not currently your fans. 

#3 Remember to Remain Consistent

You do not want to develop want to become boring. You don’t want to have one week with a big 

peak and then your page gets hum-drum boring until the next big peak. This type of 

inconsistency will have people leaving your page. Instead consistently engage your audience so 

they can depend on you.


#4 Watch Your Timing

If you want the most people to see your posts, then you need to post when most people are on 

Facebook. Generally mornings and afternoons are best, but of course you will need to 

determine what’s best for your audience. Maybe you cater to an international market so you’ll 

need to figure out the best time to post locally to reach that market. Don’t be afraid to 

experiment to see find the best time for your posts.

Best Kept Secrets to Growing Your Facebook Page Fans

If you have created a Facebook Page, your next goal is to increase your ‘Likes’ and fan base. 

There are many ways to do this and we want to share some of the best kept secrets to growing 

your Facebook Page fans.

1. Develop a persona for your audience. Some businesses have a description of what their ideal 

customer looks like. This can help you to visualize your communication and what your posts 

should look like on Facebook. 

2. Install an Engagement App on your Facebook Page. There are many great apps on the 

market that can help you to accomplish this such as Booshaka or Fan of the Week. 

3. Facebook has imposed some restrictions on what you are allowed to put on your new cover 

images, but it only applies to brand pages not to your personal profile, so you might consider 

introducing a business aspect on your personal timeline through your cover image. 

4. If you have several page admins, take advantage of the latest page admin settings that lets 

you assign authority to each person. Go to your Admin Panel then ‘Edit Page’ where from the 

drop-down menu you select ‘Admin Roles’. Once on the page you will see the Profile Pic of 

each Admin with their current role. To change their current role, just click on the down arrow to 

the right of the current role title and make your selection.

5. Sort your post insights so that at a glance you can see your most successful updates. Go into 

your insights. On the first page you’ll see real time post specific statistics, click on the arrow at 

the top to sort the updates based on which have gotten the most engagements. 

6. If you are using Pinterest, why not install the Pinterest app on your Facebook page. 

7. Add the ‘Message Button’ to your Facebook Page so readers can send you a private 

message. This also lets you reply privately. 

8. Take advantage of Insights to learn more about your fans, their age, sex, where they are 

from, etc. This will help you with your marketing.

These 8 tips are some of the best kept secrets to growing your Facebook Page fans. In addition, 

make sure that you are sharing quality content that your fans will want to share with their 

friends. This will increase your reach and help you to grow your fans further.

Tips You Need to Know to Grow Your Facebook Small Business Page

Growing your small business using Facebook can be a very rewarding experience, but it can 

also be challenging and frustrating. Here are 4 tips you need to know to grow your Facebook 

fans and likes. 

#1 Make an Offer


Promotions, discounts and free stuff are all very popular on Facebook. It is a way to offer your 

customers something of great value and they love it! You can offer a discount to anyone that 

mentions you on Facebook when they shop with you. You can build your reach (likes and fans) 

by making it simple for your visitors to distribute your message beyond your current fan base 

and then make it easy to redeem whatever you have offered them (discount or gift).

#2 Boost The Posts That Are Important

Use ‘Boosted Posts’ to help you increase your audience reach. Enter the amount you are going 

to set aside for your promotion and Facebook immediately tells you how many people that reach 

will generate. You can target your reach so that your message is getting to the right people. For 

example, you can create posts that reach people near you. This is a powerful tool that is often 

overlooked because users don’t understand its full benefit. It’s cost effective and it provides an 

easy way to expand the reach of your posts. It’s important to realize that just posting your post 

isn’t enough anymore. You need to take these extra steps to get the most from your posts. 

#3 Make Sure to Post Regularly

Throughout the day create a steady posting stream before any big event you have coming up. 

This can help your audience to focus. Make sure you are highlighting your ‘top goods/services,’ 

but reach out beyond self promotion to get the most out of your posts. Consider adding posts 

that will give your audience extra value. When you just post on your products and services your 

audience becomes bored and is likely to either hide your news feed or ‘unlike’ your page. By 

offering content that’s interesting you keep your audience wanting to find out what else you will 


#4 Give Your Page a Facelift

It’s time to do a little remodeling on your page and add some value. Make sure that your content 

information and hours of operation are posted. Update your cover photo so that it is current and 

relevant. Tell your audience a little bit about yourself and your business. 

These 4 tips will help you grow your Facebook Small Business Page.


Facebook is a social network platform for conversation. On your Facebook Page are you talking 

to your followers or chatting with them? A good indicator is the number of fans you have. If you 

want more fans than you have, then it’s time to make some changes. To get the most out of 

your page you need to understand your ‘social space.’ On Facebook there needs to be a lot of 

conversing back and forth to share information. This includes photos, links, videos and posts. 

Here are 5 fail proof tips to make sure you get it right.

1. Don’t Promote, Share – Your Facebook Page doesn’t exist just to market your 

products/services. If that’s all you do with it, your followers will lose interest quickly. Use your 

Page to get people interested that would make use of your products/services. 

2. Make Sure You Are Relevant – Think about your posts, keeping in mind the season, what 

topics are hot, what’s in the news, etc. Share links that your fans would be interested in and that 

they would want to share with their friends. 


3. Make Sure Your Posts Are Interesting – Posts don’t have to be news to be interesting. Your 

fans aren’t going to be interested in news unless it’s relevant, but they might be interested in 

learning about a new product that’s coming to market that’s relevant. For example, let’s say that 

you run a medical page, and there’s a new cancer treatment that has shown promising results. 

Sharing this information with your fans would be wise as it is interesting, engaging, and relevant.

4. Posting About the Competition is Okay, Sometimes – Let’s say a new study is released that’s 

so interesting you know that it will attract attention. It might be better if you could find your own 

expert to give their opinion but that’s not always possible. In these cases it’s okay if you share 

information from a reputable source even when it’s your competition. A common mistake is to 

want to avoid anything to do with the competition, but ironically your competition can sometimes 

benefit you rather than hinder you. 

5. Keep Your Fans Talking – Never underestimate the power of your words. ‘What’s your 

opinion?’ When you post links from experts, especially ‘hot topics’ or controversial topics, ask 

your audience for their opinion, their feedback. Your goal is to generate conversation with your 

fans and to bring new fans on board.

These 5 tips are a great start to growing your Facebook fans. What are you waiting for?

10 Tips to Increase Your Facebook Likes

If you are hoping to increase your Facebook ‘Like’ these 10 tips are a great place to start.

1. If you have created a personal profile page for your business instead of a business page this 

is against Facebook’s Terms and Conditions, so you will want to migrate your profile to a new 

business page. Migrating allows you to do this without losing all your connections. The 

Facebook migration tool is found at

2. You should benchmark your current metrics. This will help you to improve your performance 

in anything you need to measure. First you should record where you currently are. You should 

also begin recording Post Specific metrics such as the number of Likes and Comments. 

3. Identify a USP for your Page. What value are you ready to provide your reader?

4. Create a shorter customized URL for your page. A shorter URL is easy for your visitors to 

remember and it is easily promoted. 

5. Use Insights to learn what the most popular content is on your Facebook Page and to learn 

where your traffic is coming from. 

6. Caption your photos with your marketing message. Add a caption to all of your images/photos 

to provide people with more information about your business. Include a call-to-action, a 

hyperlink, etc. 

7. Regularly change your Cover Image, but keep your Profile Pic the same. Every time you 

change the cover Image it goes out into the news feed which is great exposure. 

8. Make sure you feature your three most important apps next to the Photos app, which are an 

important part of your Facebook marketing strategy. 

9. Take the time to create a calendar for your Facebook Page. Planning is very important and 

planning what you are going to post about in advance and then scheduling it in your editorial 

calendar can be very helpful. 

10. Determine what your goal(s) is for using Facebook. Using Facebook just because the 

competition is, does not make a good enough reason.


These ten tips are a great way to start to increase your Facebook ‘Likes’ and grow your fan 

base. Also, keep in mind that your posts are also important, as they will help to improve your 

reach, which in turn leads to an increase in fans. 

Your focus is to grow your Facebook ‘Likes’ and then to keep these fans engaged and 

interested on what you have to say, eventually leading to sales.

The Best Methods to Increase Facebook Likes

Facebook likes are at the heart of your Facebook page. You want to build your fans, but you 

also want those fans to be relevant! So let’s look at the best methods to increase Facebook 


Method #1 Increase Facebook Likes Using Contests

One of the easiest methods to interest people and draw them to your page is using contests. 

People like free items and so you can see why offering something free would increase new fans 

to your page especially when the condition to entering the contest is that you must like the page 

first. The lure of winning a prize helps you to target your market and grow your likes. 

Method #2 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Like Gated Coupons

Coupons are another great way to promote your Facebook page. The coupon doesn’t have to 

be big. It can be as small as 10% off a purchase. It is a great way to provide your audience an 

incentive to purchase the product(s) you offer and you can still keep your profit margins looking 

pretty healthy. 

Method #3 Increase Facebook Likes Using Ebooks

Depending on your industry, education can be a better incentive than even offering a prize or a 

discount. This is especially true with B2B companies who like to receive free e-books or white 

papers that provide them with information and tools to help them grow their business. This is a 

great way to drive large numbers of visitors to your page and increase your fans significantly. 

You are dealing with a targeted audience, which is exactly what you want.

If you aren’t sure what your ebooks should be about consider what your business is about and 

what you can share with your potential customers that will be useful and hook them on what you 

have to offer. Your ebook should also include a strong call to action that has the reader wanting 

to know more and wanting to take advantage of the service(s) you offer. 

If you want to maximize your reach in promoting your offers, consider taking advantage of 

Facebook ads, which are very affordable and allow you to easily target your market to maximize 

your benefits. These ads are different than Google Ads so don’t confuse them. You can learn 

more about Facebook Ads under the help section on Facebook. 

Method #4 Provide Useful and Engaging Content

In addition to offering free things or coupons make sure that the content that is on your page is 

useful, interesting and engaging. That way your visitors are more likely to comment and strike 

up a conversation. In turn, those conversations get shared and that spreads your reach.


How to Grow Your Facebook Fans on Your Page

Facebook has changed the way we grow our businesses. Your Facebook Business Page is a 

great way to bring together a targeted audience. Your goal is to grow your fans or ‘Likes,’ but 

remember you don’t just want anyone clicking the Like; you want to bring to your page those 

that have a genuine interest in your products/services. While no Likes will be turned away, 

untargeted ones are not going to grow your business. Here are some strategies to grow your 

Facebook fans on your Page

1. Using your Facebook Page as a place for your fans to gather is great, but you will want to 

make sure that your posts are interesting and engaging. Good posts will get your followers 

commenting and engaging each other, along with sharing these posts to non-followers, who in 

turn might find it interesting and ‘Like’ your Page.

2. Invite a couple of others on board as Admin of your Page. They can then suggest it to their 

friends and your reach can grow. In addition, having more than one administrator can offer 

different perspectives, which can help to keep the page interesting. It can also make responding 

to posts and comments more efficient. As your page grows, the more admins you should 

consider having. 

3. Encourage your visitors to post pictures on your wall, which will help your Facebook page to 

show up in the News Feed. Facebook users love pictures, so take advantage of them and 

encourage your followers to openly share their photos. 

4. Inspirational images are well received. In fact, they are one of the most popular shares on 

Facebook so make sure to include them on your Facebook Page. 

5. If you have a Brick & Mortar business, you can use your print media to encourage ‘Likes’ for 

special deals and discounts. You can also take advantage of Facebook Offers. 

6. If you have a large email list, you can suggest to those on your list to ‘Like’ your Facebook 

Page. You might also tell your Twitter followers to come over and ‘Like’ your page. 

7. Take advantage of Facebook Ads, which are easy to set up and very affordable. It’s a great 

way to target your traffic and bring in more ‘Likes.’

These five simple things can help you to grow your Facebook Page. Get ready to enjoy more 

likes and fans and to build your business.

5 Things You Should Add to Your Facebook Fan Page

Facebook continues to be one of the most popular social media sites growing at thousands of 

users a day. Because of the vast background of all these users it doesn’t take a lot of effort to 

recognize its influence, and any company, regardless of size and product will be able to boost 

their brand and create product familiarity, while always building potential customers. It’s easy to 

create a Facebook page, but what many are not aware of is that creating a Facebook page that 

easily collects ‘likes’ and builds a strong fan base, is a daunting task. 

When a visitor makes it to your Facebook page, most will click on either your info or wall, and if 

they don’t find anything that catches their interest they will simply leave your page. When a 

visitor likes your page, it’s to your advantage, because this new fan will be updated now and 

then with things you publish. 


You may have come across pages on Facebook that are so well done you wonder how it was 

possible. Great news! Here are 5 things you need to know about your Facebook fan page. 

#1 Embed YouTube Video

Facebook doesn’t allow you to instantly run flash. You have to launch it using a click on an 

image, so you need an image whenever you put a video up on Facebook. You can put your own 

URL with a custom picture. 

#2 Product Commenting

If you want to set up a little store on your Facebook business page, this feature is excellent. You 

have each product liked and then commented on. 

#3 Insert Flash Content

If you want to customize your Facebook fan pages with flash files for the header or in the photo 

gallery. If you are going to embed flash you will need to install a plugin or widget like 3D Flash 

Slide Show Maker. There are others you can use. 

#4 Track Using Google Analytics

The Facebook analytics system offers only limited information, but that’s not a problem because 

you can use Google Analytics on your Facebook business page. Create a new Google Analytics 

account to use with your Facebook URL. Then copy the UA number provide and insert it into 

your page code.

Applications using the Facebook Platform can access Insights data using the Graph API and 

FQL. You must grant permission to allow third-party analytics software to access the Insights 

data for your account.

#5 Pop Ups

If you find your Facebook page is content heavy, you can hide some of it under the pop up 

boxes by inserting the appropriate pop up code.

How to Grow Your Facebook Page Likes

For you to enjoy effective Facebook marketing you must have an audience. Without a large fan 

base that’s relevant it’s a bit like speaking to a room that’s empty. You would be wasting your 

time. To build that large fan base and to enjoy successful marketing on Facebook you need to 

be proactive. Getting ‘Likes’ is the first step in converting a casual audience to a fan and 

eventually a paying customer. Let’s look at the top fan building tips you can implement. 

#1 Use Social Plug Ins and Website Widgets

Install social plug ins like Facebook Like Box or Wibiya Toolbar on your website or blog, which 

allow your visitors to ‘Like’ your Facebook page right from your website. There are many other 

plug ins that you can install easily to the back end of your website. 

#2 Create a Like Gated App

You can provide valuable content using an app that requires visitors to ‘Like’ your page before 

they can access your content. How this works is really simple. The app provides an image along 

with a message that instructs the visitor to click ‘Like’ to see the content on your page. 


#3 Engagement Ads

Most marketers see Facebook adverts as a way to encourage users to purchase something. 

Engagement ads are different because they aim to market your Facebook Page rather 

promoting the sale of a certain product. 

#4 Get Your Existing Fans to Share Your Facebook Page Content

Your current fans are key to your building your fan base and watching it grow. When you publish 

relevant content on your page, your existing fans are more likely to share that material and that 

can lead to new fans finding their way to your site. Posting regularly up to date information also 

helps to encourage your fans to share the content you post. 

#5 Email Signatures

An often overlooked way to grow your Facebook Page fans is to include an email signature on 

all your emails. It’s easy to implement and very effective. If you are like most businesses, every 

day you send out a number of emails and so having the link to your social networking sites on 

your emails promotes your growth. 

These 5 tips are a great place to start to grow your Facebook ‘Likes’ and thus your fan base. As 

your fans grow and they share your content with their friends, who then share your content with 

their friends, you will see your reach grow and with that your fan base.

Tricks to Grow Your Facebook Page Likes

Your goal is to grow your Facebook Page ‘Likes,’ which means your fans grow. Let’s look at 

some tricks to grow your Facebook Page Likes and reap the benefits. 

Trick #1 Featured Likes

You can display as many as 5 ‘Featured Likes.’ These are Pages that are liked by your Page on 

your Facebook Page. Another excellent technique to use is to ask your Featured Likes to return 

the favor for you. This gives you a little advertising drop. 

Trick #2 Marketing Growth

Add your Facebook URL to all of your marketing opportunities such as letterhead, business 

cards, brochures, etc. Make sure that you use a customized Facebook URL for your page, 

because the assigned URLs are long and ugly. 

Trick #3 Make Sure You Offer Valuable Content

If you want your fans to visit your page often and share it, then you need to make sure you offer 

content that’s of value. If you consistently provide top-notch content, your fan base will grow as 

your reach grows. In addition, the first time someone finds your page they’ll like what they see 

and want to read more of what you have to offer and so they are much more likely to ‘Like’ your 


Trick #4 Create a Newsletter

If you haven’t already taken the step to create a newsletter to send out to your customers and 

fans, then now is the perfect time to do just that. MailChimp along with other providers provide a 


simple newsletter solution. You can also post on your Facebook Page when your newsletter is 

available. Do a good job and provide valuable content so that your fans share it and you grow 

your fan base. 

Trick #5 Create a Facebook Calendar

Planning is important and being able to plan in advance what you want to post about helps you 

to schedule and organize your themes. This creates an environment where you can tie themes 

together with what’s going on in the community, online, etc. and then you can create valuable 

material that gains even more power because of your ‘timing.’

That’s it – 5 great tricks to help you grow your Facebook Page ‘Likes’ and fans. There are plenty 

of tips and tricks that can be of value, but start with these 5 simple ones and enjoy the benefits. 

Remember for your Facebook Page to be a success you need to grow your fans, so nurture it 

and care for it!

How You Can Grow Your Facebook Likes on Your Business Page

You’ve created your Facebook Page but without ‘Likes’ and fans, your page isn’t going to 

benefit you the way you want it to. Let’s look at how you can grow your Facebook likes on your 

business page. 

1. Use Google Analytics to measure your Facebook ROI. If you have e-commerce on your 

website, it just takes a little bit of code for you to be able to track your social media activity.

2. Brand your apps so that they have the look and feel of your company’s branding and so they 

fit with your cover image. With the exception of Facebook provided apps (Notes, Events, Likes, 

Photos) you can change the image to fit your branding. 

3. Create custom app buttons. Use a site like to edit your image to the right size or 

you might even have software on your computer. You’ll want your image to be 74 pixels tall by 

111 pixels wide to keep the correct ratio. 

4. When you are marketing on Facebook, you should focus on one goal at a time. Pursuing 

more than one objective at the same time actually leads to a reduction in your impact. 

5. In your Facebook marketing, it can help to think like you are the editor of a magazine. Why is 

your magazine better than the competitor’s magazine? How are you going to keep your visitor 

engaged? How are you going to balance your ads with your content? 

6. Select various posts to feature on your timeline stream. Make the post visible on your main 

timeline by going to the recent posts by others and then hovering over the right corner of the 

post you wish to add to your timeline click on the ‘X’ and then choose ‘Allow on Page.’

7. Get enhanced Facebook Page notifications. That way you will not miss any posts. Facebook

notification system doesn’t seem to notify users of comments on long threads so to make sure 

you don’t miss out on any notifications use a third party app like hyperalerts to keep you in the 


8. If you are new to Facebook Pages, you can take it offline until you are satisfied with the look 

and feel of your page. To do this go to your ‘Admin Panel’ then choose ‘Edit Page’ followed by 

‘Manage Permissions.’ Check the box beside ‘unpublish the page.’ Then save your changes.

Use Facebook Offers to Grow Your Facebook Page Likes


The main goal of your Facebook Page is to grow your likes and your targeted fans. One way to 

do that is by taking advantage of Facebook Offers. With Facebook offers, you can share a 

discount with your audience by posting an offer on your Facebook Page. 

How to Successfully Design a Facebook Offer

To make sure your offer is claimed as well as shared, you should consider the headline and the 

image you use along with the value of the offer. Remember, if people don’t understand what 

your offer is, they might think its spam and hide it from their News Feed or unlike your Page. 

That is not what you want to happen, so make sure your offer is clear.

There is no minimum value or discount required to create a Facebook offer. However, discounts 

of 20% or more will usually reach the most people, and giving something away free usually 

performs better than offering a discount. 

How do People Claim My Offer?

Your visitor simply clicks ‘Get Offer’ and an email will be then be sent to them. The person will 

then need to print the email and bring it into your business to redeem it for whatever the offer 

was. You should make sure all of your staff are aware of the Facebook Offers you are running 

and that they know how to honor and process these offers, otherwise you will have unhappy 

customers, who will be quick to share their bad experience with their friends.

How to Create a Facebook Offer

You must have at least 50 likes in order to take advantage of Facebook Offers. Here are the 

steps you need to follow to create your offer. 

1. On your Facebook Page’s Timeline go to the sharing tool. Click Offer, Event+ and then click 


2. Fill out all of the details about your offer. This includes your Headline, uploading your image, 

adding an expiration date, and choosing your audience. You will also set your budget. 

3. Click the ‘More Options’ and add your start date, terms & conditions, and online redemption.

4. Preview your offer and when you are satisfied click ‘Post Offer.’

There you have it. It’s as easy as these four steps to create your own Facebook Offer and begin 

to enjoy the benefits of both increasing your Likes and bringing potentially new customers into 

your store. It’s a win-win all the way around!

4 Ways You Can Increase Your Facebook Page Likes

Increasing your Facebook ‘Likes’ is how you increase your fans. Gathering fans can be done 

quickly using a number of tools, but the problem is you want to gather real fans that have the 

potential to become customers rather than just a bunch of ‘Likes.’ Let’s look at 4 ways you can 

increase your Facebook Page ‘Likes’ with those that can really build your business. 


#1 Contests and Sweepstakes

It’s very easy to run a contest or sweepstakes on Facebook. You can even require that 

Facebook entrants have to first become a fan by liking your page in order to enter the contest. 

This can really increase your fans/likes. However, many businesses go about this the wrong 

way. They promote their competition using Newsfeeds. You should not do this because it is 

against Facebook’s terms & conditions. Run your contest properly using an app like Wildfire or 

Strutta. There are a number of other contest apps you can use. Common types of contest 

include video or photo submissions. This contest and sweepstake method work best when you 

have over 500 fans. 

#2 Comment on the Business Pages of Others

If you want to get more Facebook fans then you must make you need your page to be as visible 

as you can possibly make it to a relevant audience. If you are a local brick and mortar business, 

you should ‘Like’ other local pages. Make comments on their pages as your page not your 

personal name. If you comment on posts where others have already commented, depending on 

their settings, they will be notified that you posted giving you increased visibility. 

#3 From Your Personal Profile Add a Link to Your Business Page 

Use your personal profile to add a link to your business page. Some of your friends will find 

what you do useful. You can even mention your own page in your status updates now and then 

to encourage friends to visit your Page and if they like what you have to offer, they might click 

the ‘Like’ button and grow your fans.

#4 Invite Friends to Like Your Page

You can really give your fan base a boost by simply asking your friends to ‘Like’ your page. Do 

this right from your page, where you can invite friends. It’s easy and highly effective.

There you have it – 4 ways to increase your Facebook Page likes and therefore your fans 


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